Stuff I've learned along the way
This article will discuss figuring out if a specific user is a member of a specific group. That is, if you already know who the user is and what the group is. But before learning that, it’s helpful to know just what makes a user a member of a group. If you haven’t read that article yet, do that first:
Whatever type of code you’re writing, if you’re using Windows Authentication, there will usually be a way to get an object for the currently-authenticated user. For example, in an ASP.NET application that is using Windows Authentication, you can use this to determine if the currently-authenticated user is a member of a group:
var isMember = HttpContext.Current.User.IsInRole("DOMAIN\\GroupName");
Or in a desktop application, you can use this:
var principal = new WindowsPrincipal(WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent());
var isMember = principal.IsInRole("DOMAIN\\GroupName");
Even if you’re not using .NET, there will usually be some equivalent.
.NET’s WindowsPrincipal.IsInRole
is designed for testing authorization: whether a person should be granted permissions that are granted to the group. Thus, it does work for nested membership (if the account is a member of a group that is a member of the group in question). It is fairly quick too, since it uses the account’s authentication token to test the membership, which is already in memory. If you’re curious, under the hood it uses Windows’ built-in function called CheckTokenMembership
The caveat is that IsInRole
(or any method designed for authentication) will not work for groups that are:
While the following code is in C#, the principals used can usually be adapted to any language that can query LDAP. This method will work regardless of:
private static bool IsUserInGroup(DirectoryEntry user, DirectoryEntry group, bool recursive) {
//fetch the attributes we're going to need
user.RefreshCache(new [] {"distinguishedName", "objectSid"});
group.RefreshCache(new [] {"distinguishedName", "groupType"});
//This magic number tells AD to look for the user recursively through any nested groups
var recursiveFilter = recursive ? ":1.2.840.113556.1.4.1941:" : "";
var userDn = (string) user.Properties["distinguishedName"].Value;
var groupDn = (string) group.Properties["distinguishedName"].Value;
var filter = $"(member{recursiveFilter}={userDn})";
if (((int) group.Properties["groupType"].Value & 4) == 4) {
var groupDomainDn = groupDn.Substring(
groupDn.IndexOf(",DC=", StringComparison.Ordinal));
var userDomainDn = userDn.Substring(
userDn.IndexOf(",DC=", StringComparison.Ordinal));
if (groupDomainDn != userDomainDn) {
//It's a Domain Local group, and the user and group are on
//different domains, so the account might show up as a Foreign
//Security Principal. So construct a list of SID's that could
//appear in the group for this user
var fspFilters = new StringBuilder();
var userSid =
new SecurityIdentifier((byte[]) user.Properties["objectSid"].Value, 0);
if (recursive) {
//Any of the groups the user is in could show up as an FSP,
//so we need to check for them all
user.RefreshCache(new [] {"tokenGroupsGlobalAndUniversal"});
var tokenGroups = user.Properties["tokenGroupsGlobalAndUniversal"];
foreach (byte[] token in tokenGroups) {
var groupSid = new SecurityIdentifier(token, 0);
filter = $"(|{filter}{fspFilters})";
var searcher = new DirectorySearcher {
Filter = filter,
SearchRoot = group,
PageSize = 1, //we're only looking for one object
SearchScope = SearchScope.Base
searcher.PropertiesToLoad.Add("cn"); //just so it doesn't load every property
return searcher.FindOne() != null;
This method works by searching for groups that have the user as a member. But since we set SearchRoot
to the group itself, it is only possible for that one group to be returned. So the search has two possible outcomes:
Hence, we only need to test if something was returned.
The recursive
option works by using one of a few magic numbers called Matching Rule OIDs. This specific one (1.2.840.113556.1.4.1941
. It can only be used on attributes that accept distinguished names (like member
). It tells Active Directory to follow the chain of groups to find the user; for example, if the user is a member of a group that is a member of the group in question.
More information can be found on Microsoft’s article on their LDAP Search Filter Syntax.
There is a bit of magic in here for Foreign Security Principals; that is, if the user could be on an external trusted domain from the group. So it constructs the distinguishedName
of the FSP that would be there if that were the case. For a recursive search, we use tokenGroupsGlobalAndUniversal
to get a recursive list of all the user’s groups from the user’s domain and see if any of those are in the group in question.
attribute contains only Global and Universal groups. Domain Local groups cannot be used outside of the domain anyway, so we don’t need to be concerned with those. ThetokenGroups
attribute is similar. It does include Domain Local groups, however it excludes Distribution groups, which is why I didn’t use it here.
If you read my What makes a member a member? article, then you’ll know that a user’s primary group is not governed by the member
attribute of the group, so the above method won’t work if you need to test if a group is the user’s primary group. Granted, that’s a pretty rare need, so you may be able to ignore this altogether.
But if you do need to find out if a group is a user’s primary group, this is how you can do it:
private static bool IsUserPrimaryGroup(DirectoryEntry user, DirectoryEntry group) {
user.RefreshCache(new[] {"primaryGroupID", "objectSid"});
group.RefreshCache(new[] {"objectSid"});
//Get the SID's as a string
var userSid =
new SecurityIdentifier((byte[])user.Properties["objectSid"].Value, 0).ToString();
var groupSid =
new SecurityIdentifier((byte[])group.Properties["objectSid"].Value, 0).ToString();
//Replace the RID portion of the user's SID with the primaryGroupId
//so we're left with the primary group's SID
var primaryGroupSid =
userSid.Remove(userSid.LastIndexOf("-", StringComparison.Ordinal) + 1)
+ user.Properties["primaryGroupId"].Value;
return groupSid == primaryGroupSid;